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Before we get into pricing, I must let you know that I've recently made the switch to ONLY Livestreams (aside from pre-releases). Ever since I have done this, the results have been better for me AND the customer. It got to a point where I really wasn't enjoying doing videos anymore. I used to pride myself with producing the best content for my channel size, but with YouTuber(s) bigger than me hiring professional editors for their videos, I no longer felt this sense of accomplishment and spending 6-10 hours a day on videos just became a daunting task. I never wanted my channel to turn into this, where I dreaded making a video the next day. Sure, I still enjoyed it sometimes when I made a video on an exciting update and I knew the video would do well, which is why I still may do the occasional video if I want to and feel it will provide the best results for the customer, but I've always just loved Livestreaming, and the community engagement generally leads to better results for YOU. With this change, I have also began Livestreaming for longer periods (2+ hours), and doing more follow-up changes to the Livestream's title and sometimes thumbnail, and more. I also no longer unlist my Livestreams, they are there to stay for people who missed the Livestream to see; unlike other YouTubers I play copyright-free music during my Livestream which allows me to upload your livestream like a video, and you will continue to receive players even after the Livestream has ended. I've always charged the same amount for Livestreams as a I charged for videos, but it's more worth it now due to the extra measures I take to ensure a successful outcome. Keep in mind I have a really good method to make players want to join during my Livestreams, which we'll talk about privately!


First video: $500

1-2 videos = 0% discount
3-5 videos = 5% discount
6-9 videos = 9% discount
10+ videos = 11% discount

Extra Hours

Livestreams will last you a minimum of 2 hours, however you have the option to extend these hours...

The current rate for extra hours is $89/hour

Release Package

Planning an upcoming release? Building up hype? Let's do it together.
I have hosted the Grand Opening of many games, and they have all succeeded 250+ online, so how do we do it?
There are two ways we can go about doing this:
- I create a video a day before your release, hyping up my audience. We will host some sort of competition on release (for example: first to Max gets ____) - These are really fun and gives players incentive to want to grind on release. On the day of the release, I will start Livestreaming 10-15 minutes prior, to build up even more hype and have people waiting/anticipating. I cannot stress enough how prepared you should be, a lot of times server releases fail, either due to terrible hosting (I recommend using OVH), or an attack. Please be prepared for something like this to happen, it isn't under my control and I am not responsible for a failed release. We can follow up at a later date if something like this happens, but do whatever you can to be 100% sure your server is ready to release on-time; no last minute changes. After the Livestream is over, the stream will be processed and uploaded to my channel for everyone who missed the stream to see (even these tend to get around 2,000+ views because there is something along the lines of *RELEASE HYPE* in the title, so people want to click it). Unlike normal Livestreams on my channel, this one will not be unlisted after a week in order to maximize your traffic!
- This option is literally the same as above, except if you have a Trailer for your server (promo video), I will upload it a week prior for the price that I charge a normal video. This is just to make players aware ahead of time that there will be an upcoming release in 1 week and gives them time to prepare!
So, pricing.
As I said, when I host a release, there is always 200+ players when successful. A lot of people don't understand the connection I have built with my audience over the years, and how well my traffic performs. Hosting your release with me doing the methods I stated above will run you $1495 if you decide to go with the first option, which consists of 1 Pre-Release Hype video a day before release, and 1 Livestream on release (including VOD upload of stream). If you decide to go with the 2nd option, it will be $1495 + whatever my current pricing for videos are ($399.99). This consists of an upload of your server trailer (promo) a week before release, the pre-release hype video, and the livestream.
Don't feel safe for something that isn't guaranteed? No problem, if your player peak DOES NOT reach over 100 during the day of release, I will personally send you a partial refund to match the original pricing for the videos (that's how positive I am about everything), meaning you won't need to pay the extra. I am not responsible for a failed release, if your server does not go live, we will assume that I got the job done, and you will not be eligible for any partial refund.

Please keep in mind I do not accept all servers with this offer. I only accept games I actually see potential in, so please don't get offended if I turn you down, I just don't want to disappoint my audience with a bad release because if I do, they'll start expecting that and my release videos won't perform as well; thanks for understanding.

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